What is Cryptocurrency?

  • 2023 Jul 06

In the world of cryptocurrencies, each cryptocurrency has its own specific symbol, which is written briefly and concisely. After the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 by an anonymous individual or team known as Satoshi Nakamoto, the world of blockchain emerged. Blockchain technology enabled the creation of other cryptocurrencies, and today there are over one million and eight hundred thousand cryptocurrencies, each with different goals and whitepapers.

We will thoroughly investigate Blockchain technology in the upcoming articles. However, the purpose of this article is to explore and comprehend cryptocurrencies, as well as their current applications in our lives and the role they will play in our future.

A few examples of the most well-known cryptocurrencies and their symbols are as follows:

Bitcoin (BTC)

Ethereum (ETH)

Ripple (XRP)

Cardano (ADA)

Litecoin  (LTC)

Solana (SOL)

Cryptocurrencies, like the official currencies of each country, have their own distinct identities and values. For instance, the price of Bitcoin is constantly changing on various exchanges, and it trades at different prices, much like the foreign exchange market (Forex). Just as traders in the Forex world engage in buying and selling dollars, euros, pounds, etc., relative to the dollar’s value, cryptocurrency traders conduct their transactions on cryptocurrency exchanges, where the value of these cryptocurrencies is measured against the dollar (or stablecoins like Tether).

However, their most significant difference from the currencies of various countries (fiat currencies) is their decentralized nature. This decentralization, alongside the considerable volatility, which is another distinct feature of cryptocurrencies compared to fiat currencies, is considered a crucial characteristic of cryptocurrencies.

What does “Decentralized” mean?

The concept of “decentralization” is one of the fundamental characteristics in many cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms. When a currency or platform is described as “decentralized,” it means that its control and management are distributed and not dependent on a specific authority or institution.

In decentralized systems, contracts and transactions are validated by a network of computers (nodes), and information is stored across all points of the network. This ensures that no individual or government has the authority to control or make decisions about the network’s policies and changes. In other words, decisions are made democratically and through consensus among the participants in the network.

This feature is of great significance, as it enhances both security and transparency while preventing the concentration of power in the hands of a single entity or individuals. In fact, the principles of decentralization provide greater assurance for encrypted values.

As an example of decentralization, Bitcoin can be mentioned. Bitcoin is one of the earliest and most well-known cryptocurrencies, and it adheres to the principles of decentralization effectively.

By the Bitcoin network, all transactions and contracts are publicly and openly recorded in a public ledger called the “Blockchain.” This blockchain is verified by a network of computers (nodes). Each node has a copy of the complete transaction history.

No central institution or organization in Bitcoin has supervision or control over transactions. All network participants collaborate to confirm transactions and reach consensus. Each transaction is validated through the process of “mining,” which is performed by computers called “miners.” Miners allocate a significant amount of computational power from their computers to solve specific mathematical problems and receive rewards in the form of Bitcoins for doing so.

In this way, trust and credibility in the Bitcoin network are ensured due to its decentralized nature. No individual, government, or organization has influence over key processes, and all members independently participate in the decision-making process.

How does cryptocurrency work?

Cryptocurrencies utilize various models to execute their transactions. For instance, Bitcoin uses a Proof-of-Work (PoW)model, through which miners validate transactions. These different models, known as “consensus algorithms” or collective agreement mechanisms, determine how participants in a blockchain come to a consensus about whether to approve or reject a transaction on the network.

cryptocurrency  transactions operate on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) basis and, depending on the model employed, eliminate the need for intermediaries.

The Role of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology Achievements in the Future of People’s Lives:

In recent decades, there has been a remarkable growth in innovative technologies, particularly cryptocurrencies or encrypted currencies, which have held unparalleled significance in people’s lives. Cryptocurrencies, with their unique capabilities and features, are shaping a completely different future outlook for financial transactions, commerce, and even social structures.

Changes in Financial Systems:

Cryptocurrencies provide the ability to conduct direct transactions between individuals effectively. This implies the elimination of financial intermediaries such as banks and payment networks. This shift in the financial system can lead to cost reduction, faster transaction processing, and increased access to financial systems for society.

Changes in Financial Systems:

Blockchain technology, which serves as the foundation for many cryptocurrencies, ensures security and transparency in transactions and financial records. This results in minimizing fraud and unauthorized alterations in documents and information, allowing individuals to have greater confidence in their transactions.

Global Access:

Cryptocurrencies allow individuals in different parts of the world to engage in transactions without the limitations of borders and national currencies. This global access can potentially boost new international trade opportunities and have a significant impact on reducing economic inequalities.

Investment and Value Preservation Tool:

Cryptocurrencies enable individuals to invest in digital assets. Some individuals view these currencies as a new tool for safeguarding the value of their money against inflation and economic fluctuations.

Innovation and Change in Business Models:

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies enable companies to reconsider their business models. This capability brings remarkable innovations, particularly in the fields of finance, supply chain, data security, and financial services.


In summary, cryptocurrencies are rapidly making their way into people’s lives as symbols of technological advancements. These currencies not only play a significant role in financial and commercial systems but also act as transformative agents in economic and social models. Furthermore, they are considered a crucial factor in shaping the future of people’s lives. In upcoming articles, various topics such as Blockchain technology, cryptocurrency exchanges, mining methods, smart contracts, DeFi, and many other relevant and useful subjects in the field of cryptocurrencies will be explored.